Svētki Tev

On September 16, 2018, we had an amazing event to celebrate people influenced by disability. It was a formal celebration at a beautiful palace in Rīga. The guests of honor were people with disabilities, celebrated together with friends, family, and people of Latvian society. The purpose of this grand event was to honor our special guests and to show them they are valued, loved, and respected. We told them how beautiful they are, highlighting God’s special love for them and everyone!! Red carpets, retro cars, live music, photography, food, sand art presentation, God’s story, and 220 guests made for an unforgettable time!!

Mission: Jordan

Designed to Live began short-term work in Jordan in 2017, serving refugees of the war. In partnership with Baltic Global Initiative, we have had the opportunity to provide many prosthetic legs, restore mobility, and share God’s love!

Because of the generosity of Martin Bionics Innovations, Limbs International, and donations from private O&P clinics, these people have been provided high-tech, comfortable, and sustainable prosthetic legs.
